ChatGPT: Image of someone working with Git, demonstrate commits and branching

Git Gud: Understanding Git

The goal of this tutorial is to help you understand Git on a level beyond just blindly typing commands or using your favorite GUI. We will cover the differences between Git and Github, what a Git repository actually is, and how to efficiently use Git and debug issues. This tutorial is a part of the 'Git Gud' series where you will learn the ins and outs of Git.

January 29, 2025

Jakub Guštafik

Git vs GitHub

Many beginner developers don’t actually know the difference between Git and GitHub, which will be crucial for understanding this tutorial. So let’s go over it:


Git is a source control tool developed by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux. (he actually made it in just 5 days)

Whenever you are using a git command like git add, git commit, or git push, you are using Git.

Features of Git


GitHub is a web-based platform made by Microsoft that allows developers to host their Git repositories and collaborate with others.

Creating a Git repository does not inherently mean that you are using GitHub. In fact there are many other platforms for hosting your Git repositories like Bitbucket or GitLab. (you could even host it yourself) A Git repo can also just exist locally on your computer.

Features of GitHub

What makes a Git repository?

We can start a new repo by running the following commands in the project directory:

# You only need to run this once, it will configure Git to work
# better with the GitHub standard
git config --global init.defaultBranch main

# This is the actual command that initializes the repo
git init

There is no magic involved, all this will do is create a new hidden folder called .git. This folder contains all the information about the Git repository. All commits, branches, etc. will be stored in this folder.

Your project is now a Git repository.

Let’s talk about commits

To put it simply, a commit is a collection of changes that represent the state of your project.

Practically, commits are like “save points” in videogames. Once a commit exists, you can go back to it at any time.

Every commit has a unique hash that is used to identify it and a message that is used to explain what the commit does. One more thing important to us is the author, which is the person who created the commit. To identify ourselves when we commit, we need to configure Git.

Configuring Git

Every commit must have a username and email associated with its author. We can set our own username and email by running the following commands:

# Replace capitalized fields with your own information
git config --global "YOUR_NAME"
git config --global "YOUR@EMAIL.COM"

You can also set these values per repository by omitting the --global flag.

When you are planning to push your changes to a remote repository (like GitHub), it is best to set your username and email to match your (GitHub) account.

After this step, we should finally be ready to commit our changes.

Adding files to Git

We can check the status of our files by running the following command:

git status

Result of git status

As you can see here, we have some unstaged files. (marked red)

Ignoring files

Sometimes, we need to hide some files from Git. We can do this by adding them to the .gitignore file. (the file should be located in the root of the repository and literally named “.gitignore”)

We usually (and most importantly) want to ignore files that contain sensitive information, like API keys. These are usually located in the .env file, which should always be ignored. We should also ignore files that are not relevant to our project or easily recreated. Some examples include:

Let’s create an example .gitignore file:

# Protect environment variables

# Protect macOS users

# Ignore build artifacts

Ignored files will not be tracked by Git and will not show up in the git status command.


When we want to commit some changes, we need to stage them. We can stage a single file by running the following command:

# Replace <path to file> with the path to your file
git add <path to file>

Staged files are files that are ready to be committed. We can choose what files are supposed to be committed in case we don’t want to commit everything at once. However, usually we do want to commit everything at once. We can stage all changes by running the following command:

git add .


Once we have staged our changes, we can commit them by running the following command:

# Replace <commit message> with a message that describes the changes
git commit -m "<commit message>"

This will add all the staged files to a new commit with the given message. Commit messages are conventionally written in present tense, like “Add a new feature”.

You first commit might look like this:

git commit -m "Add files"

Viewing commits

If you want to see your past commits, you can run the following command:

git log

This will also show some additional information about each commit, like the hash, author, and branch, which we will cover later.

Connecting to GitHub

We should now have a working Git repository on our local machine. We can commit our changes, roll back if necessary, or use branches or any other Git features.

However, there might come a time when we want to collaborate on our project with someone else, or just simply have our project backed up outside of our machine. (remember, you can still lose your project when using Git if the .git directory gets removed)

This is where a remote repository comes in. In this tutorial, we will be using GitHub, but many alternatives exist and the setup process is very similar.

Setting up an account

After you’ve created a GitHub account, (preferably with the same email as your Git config), you need to connect it to our Git CLI in order to have authenticated access to your GitHub account and repos.

We will start by downloading the GitHub CLI. Follow the installation process and verify the installation by running:

gh --version

If you see the version number, you are good to go. Otherwise try restarting your terminal or system.

Now we need to authenticate our CLI by running:

gh auth login

This will prompt you to log in with your GitHub credentials. After completing the authentication process, we can continue with setting up our remote repository.

Creating a GitHub repository

You can create a new repository by clicking “New” on the GitHub dashboard:

GitHub dashboard

You should see a page like this:

New repository page

  1. Enter a name for your repository, conventionally in kebab-case
  2. Write a short description to describe your repository
  3. Public/Private
    • Choosing “Public” will make your repository visible on your profile and accessible by anyone - good for open source projects
    • Choosing “Private” will only make the repository visible to you and people you invite as collaborators
    • Note that a private repository is still hosted on GitHub’s servers, so you still should not store any sensitive information in it either way
  4. README file
    • The “” file serves as the repository’s “long description” on GitHub and can be used to explain what the repository is about, how to use it, etc.
    • This is generally only useful for public, open source projects or large teams
  5. Add .gitignore file
    • If you are using a certain technology or language, there are good chances GitHub has a premade .gitignore file for it
    • If you want to add a .gitignore template from GitHub and you already have a local repository, make sure to remove the existing .gitignore file first
  6. Choose a license
    • This is generally only applicable for open source projects, or projects that you are planning to make open source
    • We are going to leave this off for now, as it is not in the scope of this tutorial

After you fill out all the required fields, click “Create repository”. You’ll be greeted with a page like this:

Empty repository

We could follow the instructions on the screen under ”… push an existing repository from the command line”, however, we don’t want to just blindly copy and paste the commands into our terminal, so let’s go over the steps one by one:

Adding a remote to our repository

Let’s go back to our local repository. We can now use the remote feature of Git to connect a remote repository to our local repository.

To add a remote, we will use the git remote add <name> <url> command. Conventionally, the name of the remote is called “origin”, and the URL will simply be the URL of the repository on GitHub. (copied from the address bar as shown in the picture above)

Let’s run the command:

# Replace YOUR/REPO with the name of your repository
# or just replace the whole URL with your one
git remote add origin

Now we have a remote repository that we can push our changes to and pull them from. Note that branches will exist locally (like main) and remotely, which will usually see them prefixed with origin/ (or your remote name), so we will see, for example origin/main.

Interacting with our remote repository - Pushing and pulling

Pushing and pulling are the two main ways to interact with our remote by syncing our local repository with the remote repository.

Pulling is when we want to download changes from the remote repository. We can do this by running the following command:

git pull origin main

You should always pull first before commiting new changes to make sure your local repo is up-to-date with the remote, otherwise you might end up with merge conflicts.

Pushing is when we want to upload our local commits to the remote repository. We can do this by running the following command:

git push -u origin main

The -u flag stands for --set-upstream, which will set the remote branch to the default remote branch to push to. This means the next time we want to push, we can just run git push.

After pushing, we should see files pop up in our GitHub repository in our browser. And that is basically done!

The Git Workflow

After this set up, we can clone the repository from any authenticated computer with git clone <url> and work on it committing, pushing, etc.

In the next tutorial, we will look at how to become a pro at resolving merge conflicts.